American Crew D:fi D:struct

American Crew D:fi D:struct

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Product Information

Setting The Scene: You’ve been to work and now it’s time to play. You’ve got your ‘party head’ on but need the look to match. Show all sides of your personality with this re-mouldable styling crème.

What It Does: This easy-to-use pliable moulding crème is suitable for just about anyone with any hair length. It provides medium hold with a medium shine finish. Take a woman’s prerogative and change your mind as often as you like with this versatile styling product.

Technical Details: Three key ingredients work as a team here. Cactus extract* moisturises your hair whilst increasing elasticity, lustre and softness. Sugar cane is a natural humectant that helps to absorb and retain moisture and finally lanolin works to provide ultimate control.

*Cactus extract is extracted from cactus fruit funnily enough. Desert-dwelling cacti are particularly valuable resources for nutrients because they store water and other essential materials inside themselves for long periods of time. Thus, the plants are a rich reservoir of nutrients, ideal for moisturising and restoring hair, skin and nails.

Product CodeAMEU91XS43

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